Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Phase 1 one more time

So a LONG time ago I did the South Beach diet (for a very short time) and did well on it. 

Really well.

Like to the tune of 12 pounds in one month!

That's really well in my opinion.  But then I stopped!  I know, I know!  Why stop a good thing?  You were on a roll, why call it quits?

Are you some kind of namby pamby quitter non-type A sort of girl?

The short answer to that question is... YES.  And you won't be hearing the long answer any time soon.

Geez.  Get off my back.  Or, rather, don't. *Sigh* I suppose that's one reason why I need a blog- it's a food diary other people can read and help keep me accountable. But mostly I need a blog because although I may be a namby pamby quitter-type sissy whiner I ALSO happen to be a WRITER.  Thus me writing.  And filling a void that perhaps has lately been filled with food.  Writing has many fewer calories than food. 

It's true!

N E ways.  Back to the diet thing.

I'm 24 and way too young to look (and feel) this old.  Little black dress?  Puke.  Sorry, I don't mean to be self-deprecating (see that big word right there?  Told you I'm a writer) but seriously, nothing I own looks good on me right now and CERTAINLY nothing I own could be considered little- except perhaps my gym socks.  My feet remain as dainty as ever.  One time I went on a diet and lost a shoe size.  True story.  For another time.

The South Beach Diet is not really a diet so much as a new lower glycemic, more heart healthy way of eating.  I need these things because, you see, my doctor has just informed me that my triglycerides are ONE HUNDRED points over where they should be. 

ONE HUNDRED!!!!!!!!!  Freak.  Holy freakin' freak.  (you'll notice that, although I'm not a swearer I make liberal use of acceptable swear substitutes.)  Seriously.  I'm 24.  Freak. 

Oh yeah, he also told me that if I don't change how I eat I WILL have diabetes in 5-10 years.  SCARY.  I don't do sick and I don't repeat DON'T do shots.  Ugh.  Sick. Ugh shots. Blech. 

Sorry, back to the real stuff and me not freaking out as bad. 

So starting on Saturday (aka grocery shopping day) it's HELLO PHASE ONE!!!!  And goodbye to me being fat and lazy (because I kind of am in some ways.)

Soon we'll be saying HELLO to a sexy (modest!) little black dress.  THAT will be a good post let me tell you. 

Any sister skinny fans out there?  If so, it's gonna be epic like the size 6 jeans.  Epic. 

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